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Thoughts from a Wellbeing Coordinator on World Suicide Prevention Day

In the time it takes you to read this article, one person in the world will have lost their life to suicide and on any given day there will be up to 18 suicides in the United Kingdom alone!!

That’s 18 lives,18 families left wondering why?’ 18 friendship circles that never thought there was any issues.

I have worked with too many people in the past who have ended their lives. They were all amazing, interesting people. Each time, it was impossible to believe, and it took convincing to make it real.

‘They just weren’t the type.’ Or ‘They had so much left to give’ and finally, the thoughts of how the families would be hit with this awful news.

No matter the circumstances, we are all left behind a cold place inside us, asking the same question; ‘Why?’

Men are more likely to take their own lives and those that live in more deprived areas are at an even greater risk. The one thing all these unnecessary deaths share, is that they felt that they couldn’t talk to anyone, that they were broken in some way or that no one could help.

Like most, if not all of us, I have heard of numerous occurrences of suicide from indirect friends and colleagues. In my previous role before joining Primary Care Cheshire, I have sat and listened to people who were attempting to end their life. I would sit with them, determined to try, and find a way for them to believe that they could go on and help them see that they aren’t broken and their place in this world is so very valuable and valued. Trying, just maybe, to steer the person in a favourable direction.

I love working as a Wellbeing Coordinator, as I want to be involved in supporting people long before their distress turns into suicidal thoughts. I want to give people the time they need and the encouragement to feel free and to be honest about how they are really feeling.

We need to create a culture where it’s OK to not be OK, we need to live in a world where someone can reach out and talk honestly about their feelings without believing they are a burden or be perceived as moaning.

Only by showing understanding to those around us, can we begin to stem the current numbers of people choosing to go down this path and break the stigma around suicide and mental health by talking openly.

I know we can reduce suicides in all age groups. I am certain of that fact, and it is for this reason that I want to help achieve it.

To achieve this, we must all learn to ask ‘How?’ before we ask ‘Why?’

‘How do you feel today? No, really, how are things?”

Dave – Wellbeing Coordinator & Mental Health Champion

Dedicated to preventing suicide and suicidal behaviour, alleviating its effects, and providing a forum for academics, mental health professionals, crisis workers, volunteers, and suicide survivors. Learn more SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPSIASP member led groups offer the opportunity for our community to focus on a specific aspect of suicide prevention.VIEW GROUPS NEWSThe […]

Samaritans works to make sure there’s always someone there for anyone who needs someone. Read more.

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