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Cervical Cancer Prevention Week is here! 17th - 23rd January 2022

Join us this week to raise awareness of cervical screening. One in three women and people with a cervix don't attend cervical screening and we want to change that. However cervical cancer prevention doesn't stop at screening.

220,000 women and people with a cervix every year are told they have cervical cell changes after their screening, and many more are given a HPV diagnosis. This can mean more tests and treatments, and for some it can be incredibly hard time. We want everyone to have the information and support they need. So we want you to join us and share tips, facts, and most importantly help others know they aren't alone.

Getting involved is simple

  • Use social media to talk about cervical screening! Shout about why it's so important and share your tips to make it an easier test

  • Share your experience of colposcopy or getting unexpected cervical screening results: what do you wish you had known and what would you say to someone feeling anxious about theirs? Check out Amy's tips below for inspiration

  • Share our tips, information and signpost to our support services

  • Click the button below to get resources to share

  • Get your workplace involved and display posters

  • Take on a fundraising challenge

An example tweet:

This week is #CervicalCancerPreventionWeek. Cervical screening can stop cervical cancer, but it isn’t always easy. If you have questions or need support with results then visit @JoTrust

Click the button below for more tweets and graphics.

Join in and use #CervicalCancerPreventionWeek so others can find you!


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